
A partnership agreement with the Cultural Association "Scienza Società Scienza" has been signed with the aim of contributing to the realization of the "Cagliari FestivalScienza" and the "Iglesias FestivalScienza" through the organisation of exhibitions, workshops, exhibitions, debate meetings with students and citizens.
From 2019 to date.
A formal agreement with the CNR-RM1 Research Area located in Montelibretti (Rome) has been estabilished in order to favour a reciprocal collaboration to promote cultural and scientific activities. An equipped chemical laboratory has been made available for experimental activities as well as scientific exhibitions.
From 2018 to date.
A partnership agreement with the Municipality of Iglesias has been signed with the aim of contributing to the realization of the "Iglesias FestivalScienza" through the organisation of exhibitions, workshops, exhibitions, debate meetings with students and citizens.
From 2018 to date.
A partnership agreement with the Province of Novara has been signed with the aim of contributing to the realization of the "Scienza sotto la Cupola" festival through the organisation of debate meetings with students and citizens.
From 2020 to date.


Network agreement with the association "Scienza Società Scienza", "Consorzio Uno" of Oristano, "Club per l’UNESCO" of Isili, "Istituto Comprensivo 1" of Siniscola; aimed at the dissemination of scientific culture and participation in the announcement of the "Fondazione Sardegna" for initiatives in favour of local development, as well as the announcements for the promotion of reading and tourism promoted by the Region of Sardinia and other institutions.
A partnership agreement with the Museum of Mining Art and Association of Mining Experts (APIMMG) has been signed with the aim of contributing to the realization of scientific dissemination events at the Municipality of Inglesias, including the "Iglesias FestivalScienza".
From 2021 to date.

A partnership agreement with the Associazione ArgoNautilus has been signed with the aim of contributing to the realization of scientific dissemination events, including the "Fiera del Libro" and "Big Blue Festival".
From 2022 to date.

A partnership agreement with the Associazione "Università Iglesiente della Terza Età" has been signed with the aim of contributing to the realization of scientific dissemination events at the Municipality of Inglesias, including the "ARIAperTutti" and "Iglesias FestivalScienza".
From 2022 to date.

A Associazione Temporanea di Scopo (ATS) was created with Adamas Scienza for coordination of a contractual nature between third sector entities for the realisation of the Scienza in Gioco project.
From 2023 to date.